With summer on the horizon, the buzz of excitement fills the air, but unfortunately, it's not the only buzz you'll be hearing. Mosquitoes, flies, and pesky bugs are gearing up for their annual invasion! But worry not, because we've got your back. Contact us now to get a free quote!

Custom Fit

Air Flow

Quiet Sleep

Water Proof


Stop Pests

Insect screens, also known as window screens or bug screens, are protective barriers installed on windows and doors to prevent insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, and other pests, from entering living or working spaces while allowing air and light to flow freely.

Benefits of Insect Screens:

  • Insect Protection: Prevents mosquitoes, flies, and other pests from entering indoor spaces.
  • Improved Ventilation: Allows fresh air to flow in without compromising on insect protection.
  • Sunlight Filtering: Some screens can filter sunlight, reducing glare and UV exposure.
  • Privacy: Offers an additional level of privacy by acting as a barrier.

Environmental Impact:

  • Using insect screens can reduce the reliance on chemical insect repellents, contributing to a more environmentally friendly approach to pest control.
  • In regions where the use of insect screens allows for natural ventilation instead of relying on air conditioning, there can be energy savings. Reduced energy consumption contributes to lower greenhouse gas emissions and a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Insect screens allow for proper ventilation without the need for excessive use of air purifiers or other indoor air quality management systems. This contributes to a healthier indoor environment with fewer pollutants.

Health Benefits:

  • Insect screens play a role in preventing insect-borne diseases by keeping mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects at bay.
  • Investing in quality insect screens provides a practical and effective solution for maintaining a comfortable and insect-free living or working environment.
  • Insect screens, particularly those designed to keep out mosquitoes, contribute to the prevention of insect-borne diseases. Mosquitoes are carriers of diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. By preventing their entry into living spaces, insect screens help reduce the risk of these diseases.
  • Insect screens on windows can contribute to better sleep quality by keeping buzzing insects, like mosquitoes, away. This is especially important in regions where insect activity is high, as uninterrupted sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being.


  • Insect screens are available in various sizes and can be customized to fit different types of windows and doors.


  • Insect screens generally require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning is recommended to remove dust and debris.

Mesh Size:

  • Insect screens feature a mesh made of fine materials with specific mesh sizes to prevent insects from passing through while allowing air circulation.

By creating a barrier against insects without relying on harmful chemicals, insect screens contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly way of living. This aligns with broader environmental goals of reducing chemical pollution and promoting sustainable practices.

While insect screens themselves have a positive environmental profile, it’s essential to consider factors such as the manufacturing process, transportation, and disposal methods. Opting for screens made from eco-friendly materials and choosing reputable suppliers can further enhance the environmental benefits of using insect screens. Overall, they represent a sustainable solution for pest control and can contribute to a healthier and more environmentally conscious living environment.


Premium Aluminium insect screen standard mesh is made of woven fiberglass yarn coated with PVC to make it waterproof, rustproof, non-combustible, stain-resistant, and easy to clean.

Uniform mesh distribution

The appearance is reasonable, and the light transmission performance is soft and comfortable. Easy to clean, strong pulling force, convenient and quick cutting and installing.

High tensile strength

Pull resistance, high strength, not easy to deform, long service life, convenient and quick cutting and installation

Good light transmission

The glass fibre is dense and appropriate, and the light transmission ability is good.

Premium Aluminium insect screen has a strong retardant ability

Premium Aluminium insect screens do not have a volatile odour.

Premium Aluminium insect screens isolate mosquitoes from entering the room

We supply pleated mosquito and insect nets, ensuring your complete satisfaction. Our nets are designed to cover large dimensions, accommodating any irregular areas. Unlike competitors offering limited, generic products, our nets are customizable to fit any size, thanks to our patented system’s extreme adaptability, without the need for mechanisms or springs, even for large measurements.


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With summer on the horizon, the buzz of excitement fills the air, but unfortunately, it's not the only buzz you'll be hearing. Mosquitoes, flies, and pesky bugs are gearing up for their annual invasion! But worry not, because we've got your back. Contact us now to get a free quote!

Insect screens, also known as window screens or bug screens, are protective barriers installed on windows and doors to prevent insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, and other pests, from entering living or working spaces while allowing air and light to flow freely.

Air Flow

Stop Pests

Water Proof

Custom Fit


Quiet Sleep

Insect screens, also known as window screens or bug screens, are protective barriers installed on windows and doors to prevent insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, and other pests, from entering living or working spaces while allowing air and light to flow freely.

Benefits of Insect Screens:

  • Insect Protection: Prevents mosquitoes, flies, and other pests from entering indoor spaces.
  • Improved Ventilation: Allows fresh air to flow in without compromising on insect protection.
  • Sunlight Filtering: Some screens can filter sunlight, reducing glare and UV exposure.
  • Privacy: Offers an additional level of privacy by acting as a barrier.

Environmental Impact:

  • Using insect screens can reduce the reliance on chemical insect repellents, contributing to a more environmentally friendly approach to pest control.
  • In regions where the use of insect screens allows for natural ventilation instead of relying on air conditioning, there can be energy savings. Reduced energy consumption contributes to lower greenhouse gas emissions and a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Insect screens allow for proper ventilation without the need for excessive use of air purifiers or other indoor air quality management systems. This contributes to a healthier indoor environment with fewer pollutants.

Health Benefits:

  • Insect screens play a role in preventing insect-borne diseases by keeping mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects at bay.
  • Investing in quality insect screens provides a practical and effective solution for maintaining a comfortable and insect-free living or working environment.
  • Insect screens, particularly those designed to keep out mosquitoes, contribute to the prevention of insect-borne diseases. Mosquitoes are carriers of diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. By preventing their entry into living spaces, insect screens help reduce the risk of these diseases.
  • Insect screens on windows can contribute to better sleep quality by keeping buzzing insects, like mosquitoes, away. This is especially important in regions where insect activity is high, as uninterrupted sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being.


  • Insect screens are available in various sizes and can be customized to fit different types of windows and doors.


  • Insect screens generally require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning is recommended to remove dust and debris.

Mesh Size:

  • Insect screens feature a mesh made of fine materials with specific mesh sizes to prevent insects from passing through while allowing air circulation.

By creating a barrier against insects without relying on harmful chemicals, insect screens contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly way of living. This aligns with broader environmental goals of reducing chemical pollution and promoting sustainable practices.

While insect screens themselves have a positive environmental profile, it’s essential to consider factors such as the manufacturing process, transportation, and disposal methods. Opting for screens made from eco-friendly materials and choosing reputable suppliers can further enhance the environmental benefits of using insect screens. Overall, they represent a sustainable solution for pest control and can contribute to a healthier and more environmentally conscious living environment.


Premium Aluminium insect screen standard mesh is made of woven fiberglass yarn coated with PVC to make it waterproof, rustproof, non-combustible, stain-resistant, and easy to clean.

Uniform mesh distribution

The appearance is reasonable, and the light transmission performance is soft and comfortable. Easy to clean, strong pulling force, convenient and quick cutting and installing.

High tensile strength

Pull resistance, high strength, not easy to deform, long service life, convenient and quick cutting and installation

Good light transmission

The glass fibre is dense and appropriate, and the light transmission ability is good.

Premium Aluminium insect screen has a strong retardant ability

Premium Aluminium insect screens do not have a volatile odour.

Premium Aluminium insect screens isolate mosquitoes from entering the room


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